Speaking out frequently as a public advocate for a cause that you hold dear is rewarding, empowering ... and it can be exhausting.
What’s the 6-Word Reason at the Heart of Your Advocacy? Here's Katie's.
5 tips for managing your emotions when telling your personal story
Why "Pointing to the Positive" Can be Tough
"Pointing to the positive" is one of The 5 Qualities of Well-Told Advocacy Story and it serves as one of the most important foundations of the Living Proof Advocacy approach.
Advocate Feature: Gayathri Ramprasad for Mental Health
Advocate Feature: Lawrence Stallworth III for HIV/AIDS Awareness
Guest Post: Ethics and Advocacy Performance
A guest post from Jen Tuder, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota.
What are Health Advocates Reading this Summer?
Living Proof received a lovely shout-out from the National Association of Community Health Centers this week.