This easy-to-use handbook helps you

  • Decide what to tell

  • Tell your story effectively and authentically

  • Link your passion to your goals

  • Deliver powerful presentations

  • Conduct great media interviews

Living Proof features examples, tools, exercises and worksheets to help prepare speakers at all levels. Work through the book on your own or in conjunction with a Living Proof Advocacy support program.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to take your advocacy skills to the next level, Living Proof delivers the grounding, confidence and guidance you need to unleash the power of personal storytelling.

ISBN 978-0-9838703-7-1
6 x 9 paperback, 330 pp.

Smart, well-delivered and timely advice to help advocates tell the most effective stories.
— Kirkus Reviews
Now more than ever, our world needs ordinary people to become master storytellers. This book shows you how.
— Eboo Patel, Founder, Interfaith Youth Core
I have never read a more practical guide to advocacy. This book should be on every library trustee and advocate’s desk.
— Michael Colford, Director of Library Services, Boston Public Library
We understand the world through stories. This book will help you understand why—and how to take advantage of them to make the planet a better place.
— Bill McKibben, Founder,
If we’re going to make a change, we’re going to have to tell our stories and tell them effectively. This book shows us how.
— Paul Loeb, Author, Soul of a Citizen
A great tool for anyone sharing a story and hoping to move—and motivate—an audience.
— Lee Woodruff, Cofounder, the Bob Woodruff Foundation